There is a paradoxical issue that creates controversy for some. As our understanding of the nature of reality grows, many have come to accept that time and space are illusions created by the mind.
The 7th Major Understanding teaches that all appearance of separation is an illusion, and time and space are constructs of our physical dimension. With the knowledge of the dream-like nature of our reality, some people arrive at the conclusion that nothing matters, so we need not make an effort to change our personal, local and global reality. If this is the position you hold regarding our reality, I understand completely, and I fully accept your freedom to live with this belief.
However, it is my opinion that while we take form upon the earth in human bodies, time and space are very real to us. Our physical dimension is a perfectly designed framework of reality allowing us to experience a lifetime. During a lifetime, we exercise our innate power to create events and attract the ideal playmates for the purpose chosen.
If you or I judge our life circumstances to be good or bad, in my understanding, we created it that way. We also create the local and global reality. We have complete freedom to change personal, local and global events. And, I have complete freedom to judge what is good or bad, right or wrong for me – for my life.
From Joshua’s point of view about the space and time coordinates of my (Jordan’s) lifetime, the mass consciousness is called to create a time of global peace. This time of peace will accompany the experience of abundance – abundant health, abundant happiness, abundant freedom, and beyond. Joshua teaches that the shift in global circumstances is based in our awakening to our connection.
In our knowing of oneness (inseparable connection), our fear-based reality fades into creating a reality based on trust and love. How different do you believe our world would be if we trusted each other completely? How will our global community change when we love each other openly? What if we let love show all the time? I believe our fear of each other will evaporate in the light of love.
Upon awakening, when we remember a dream, we recognize that during the dream the events and characters seemed very real to us. If this is a dream I am having, it seems very real to me now. So, I want to make this the best dream I have ever had. Rather than assume a belief that nothing matters, and that I don’t need to create change, I answer the call to change my personal, local and global community.
I realize that the only power I have is the power to change myself. So, I affect global change by changing who I am. I become the change I want to see in the world. How simple is that? While I live a lifetime, the illusion of time and space are very real. I release any confusion about this matter, and I accept that this paradox is only a puzzle for the mind. I assume the belief that there is purpose here, and what I do makes a difference.
As Joshua often says: Let the light grow. Let love show. Let it be fun.