Here are seven suggestions to help us bring unconditional love into the moment. When we practice expressing acceptance, we are able to release stress. I urge you to view these statements as suggestions, and I encourage you to revise or build on these ideas as they apply to your personal adventure of life.
- Accept that making judgment comes as naturally as breathing.
Judgment is not something bad, and we needn’t be ashamed of using our judgment. Applying judgment enables us to make choices and define who we are and what is best for us individually and collectively. Judgment is necessary for the implementation of our intuition. Our power to judge is useful, and we need to trust it.
- Be aware of behavior or language that is upsetting to you personally.
When you observe a behavior in yourself or another that upsets you, pay close attention. This is the teachable moment. There is a reason for your reaction and you will find it rooted in your beliefs. Did the action offend your sense of justice? Did it challenge your judgment of moral conduct? Did this incident occur to signal that it is time to examine your belief(s).
- Remember that you can only judge yourself.
We cannot judge another. All judgment is self-judgment. We reap as we sow – this is a law of nature. There are no exceptions to the perfect function of this rule. When we dispense judgment, imagine looking in the mirror. For we are surely judging the reflection of our own life.
- Accept that humans are not omniscient beings.
There are unseen influences at play in the life of every person. Each soul is carrying out actions that have purpose within the whole self. Accept and make room for reasons driving behavior that are beyond our conscious awareness. Give yourself and others the benefit of grace – we do not know everything. Accept that our interpretation of events reflects our own ideology – not some absolute truth. It is not our personal responsibility to know what is best for everyone.
- Appreciate diversity.
Accept that life would lack adventure if we were all the same. If we all held the same ideals and ideas, challenges to our growth would soon vanish. What if we all practiced the same religion and shared the same politics? What if we were all the same color and held one code of conduct? What if there was only one culture? Monotonous, I say! Diversity is stimulating. This is my opinion. What do you think? Diversity values disagreement. - Apply unconditional love.
When you catch yourself implementing judgment, remember to apply love that supersedes all conditions. Be gentle with yourself. While we accept that it is natural to make judgments, take a moment to be compassionate with ourselves and others. Pause to examine the beliefs that are at the root of the judgment. Remember that our judgment defines who we are and is a reflection of our reality projected outward. Accept that people, society, and nature produce perfect flaws.
- Remember – I AM THAT, TOO.
There is nothing OUT THERE – everything that appears outside of Self is truly IN HERE. Knowing this fact, we accept that there isn’t anything being done or said that we have not done or said during our infinite and eternal journey. There is only one being here, and that being is All That Is. There is nothing that we can do or say that can separate us from the One.
These suggestions are offered with love. This is far from a complete guide on this topic. I invite you to share your thoughts on this subject. I want to learn about your practices and methods that connect you to unconditional love. All ideas are welcome. I love you.
Is there good and evil/bad, or are those merely values assigned by humans? Along this same line, are there good and evil/bad spirits, entities, beings, or are those, too, merely values assigned by humans? I recall once receiving a very strong reaction to my asking about a particular entity whose name I confused with that of another…
This takes me off onto a related tangent, thinking of Emoto’s Messages from Water – putting words that represent to the speaker things (emotions, usually) to which negativity or bad is assigned (hate, anger, cruelty) on a glass of water and then imaging the change in molecular structure, and the same thing with words representing positive EMOTIONS. The writer puts the word on the glass and walks away, doesn’t embue the word with any particular energy or focus when writing it, and doesn’t stay there next to the glass to “charge” it up in any way. Yet the water reacts. Why?
Thank you for your questions. Joshua and I gladly reply to you. I collaborate with Joshua to share The Seventh Major Understanding and his views regarding All That Is. However, we do not represent our comments as THE ANSWERS. All the answers to your questions are within YOU. Here is our reply for you to ponder.
You asked: Is there good and evil/bad, or are those merely values assigned by humans?
Joshua speaks: Good and evil are value judgments arising from the personal and collective consciousness. Even as an entity, I make value judgments. What that means is there are deeds that are acceptable to me, and these values determine what behavior I will and will not allow in my expression of self (identity). Values, as you so wisely observed, govern morals and behavior. When we observe what appears to be another being (illusion of separation), acting outside our acceptable personal and collective code of conduct, our sense of judgment is triggered. Usually, what we judge to be bad is based on how we feel.
As a youth you are taught what is good or bad, and right and wrong. When you become an adult, you decide which, if any, of these values you want to reject, test, or simply question.
Ponder these thoughts: Most nations’ laws forbid murder. The religions of the world agree that murder is bad. Most humans feel bad about murder. Yet, murder is expected and accepted when a nation goes to war. A few nations of the world, including the United Sates, allow killers to be put to death. All judgment is a reflection of the one issuing the judgment. Even some (so judged) good people support war and the death penalty. Is there justifiable murder? This comes back to the debate about good or bad as a value system.
From my point of view there is no special reward or eternal punishment awaiting souls judged to be good or bad. This point of view doesn’t sit comfortably for many people. They want justice, based on their values, to be carried-out. They want to picture evil people suffering for their deeds while good behavior gains rewards. When we remember that there is only one being here, we recognize that all thoughts, feelings, and deeds have one source. The entire spectrum from dark to light exists within the One. When we emerge from our Source with a sense of identity, we have the freedom to express our existence in alignment with our choices. There is no ultimate judge waiting to hand out halos or pitchforks. From my point of view, all good or bad action (karma) is immediately balanced. This is not easy to observe while living a lifetime, so human ideology around reward and punishment in the after-life gains popularity.
You asked: Are there good and evil/bad spirits, entities, beings, or are those, too, merely values assigned by humans?
Joshua speaks: There are spirits, entities, and so on engaged in behaviors that I judge to be unacceptable. Again, my judgment is a reflection of who I am. I distinguish the image of myself and my ideals by seeing energy that I resist. In the mirror of my reality there is darkness and sound I dislike. There is a momentary impulse to deny that this energy exists within me, within us, within the One, then, just as instantly, I am at peace with it.
There are energies within the formless dimensions that are just as fascinated with deviant experiences as there are in the physical dimensions. Again, what is aberrant reflects my judgment. Just like you, I get to decide with whom I want to associate. In my reality, just like your own, there are kids on the playground that I like and some that I don’t. The name you mentioned one time in err, attracted an entity that I don’t like. Our dislike of each other is mutual, so usually we just don’t interact. This is neither good nor bad. It just is.
Jordan says: I accept that Joshua’s comments may be confusing or upsetting to some people. I want to assure you that nothing in this world or beyond may pester you without your permission. You create your own reality. I have absolute faith that where the light is the darkness cannot be.
Finally, about the Messages from Water experiments by Dr. Emoto and his team, I have these comments: First, the human body is largely fluid. Second, all appearance of separation is a trick of light upon the eye. While the researcher may consciously strive to be neutral, and remove him or herself from the test, the observer influences the observed. As you mentioned, the words have meaning to the speaker writing them down. The vibrations of the words are felt – even on the subconscious level. Our energy bodies constantly broadcast our thoughts and feelings. This process cannot be turned off. The only way to completely objectify these tests is to have the writer use a language that is unknown to him or her. In this case, the molecular structure of the water would reflect ambient energy not associated with language.
If I misunderstood your question about the Messages from Water, please try again.