The Seventh Major Understanding teaches us that in our effort to change our global reality we need to increase and expand our joy. Joshua says, “Let it be fun.” This is occasionally a challenge for me because, quite honestly, life isn’t always fun.
We each experience situations of personal tragedy, such as the death of a loved one, and we hear about tragedy in our area and on the global stage. It is a challenge to understand how we can find joy in some of the global conditions.
Nevertheless, I remember that what I dwell on expands, and I want to increase the feelings of joy and happiness that I experience every day. I realized that the joy and happiness I feel spreads to others through my smile and sounds of laughter. I want the vibrations of my personal energy to project feelings of joy and happiness. Yet, Joshua assures me that I am not expected to be the proverbial “Pollyanna.”
Joshua teaches that it is not expected, nor is it natural, that a person achieves a specific state of emotion to become stuck there permanently. All feelings are transitory. We recognize that a person finding joy in human tragedy lacks empathy and is detached from the feelings of others. During the course of a lifetime, we are intended to experience the entire range of emotions.
When Joshua reminds us to let it be fun, it is his intention that we remember not to take our beliefs so seriously. He laughs at thoughts like: “I am right and you (or they) are wrong.” From Joshua’s point of view thoughts like this are funny. Joshua wants us to remember that it is our thoughts (beliefs) and feelings that create the conditions occurring in our personal, local and global reality now. He reminds us that with our thoughts, beliefs and feelings, we can believe our way into a new reality.
When we take circumstances too seriously, we may fall into the belief that what is happening is permanent or will have everlasting effects. Taking ourselves less seriously allows us to remember that we have the power to change our reality. The point of power is in the present, and in the present, we change our reality.
Each of us is playing a role in birthing the Golden Age. I play my part by changing what I believe is possible. I play my part by changing what I dwell upon. I play my part by modeling peaceful, cooperative solutions to all of my personal issues. I play my part as I laugh joyfully at my human folly. I release any expectation of perfection. I remember our oneness with blissful JOY. I participate in the global transformation from the inside out. I graciously accept my ability to influence change by changing who I am. Remember this, Mother Theresa provided an extraordinary model of change for us. When she was invited to an antiwar demonstration, she declined. She told the person that when you plan a peace rally, let me know, I will be there.
Intention to Let it Be Fun: The transformation I promote invites others to join me in the energy of joy, peace and love. I release the struggle and act without effort. I need not take myself or the circumstances of my life, or the world, too seriously. If I am champion of a cause on a local, regional, or global stage, I remember to apply love-based energy to the solutions. I play my way into a new reality.
Patricia Redler
Hi Jordan,
I just read this and if you can take a look at my website you will see that we are in harmony. I, too, have been trying to “wake-up” since the early 80’s. Last year I thought I would burst if I didn’t start sharing and shaking this tree filled with all of us. So many beautiful souls are still sleeping. I like the fun part in your excerpt. I can tend to be too serious, by locking into what I’m going through in the moment and not remembering to change my thoughts to a happier space. I feel like I am coming out of a fog bank, and Oregon can really produce the fog. (Smile) I will need to purchase this.
Hello Patricia, thank you for your comment. I want to invite you to post the link to your blog here. There are so many like-minded travelers on this journey, and hearing the insights of others helps us expand our understanding and acceptance. It is my honor to walk this path into awakening with you. JOY!