Together we plant the seeds of a new harvest.
Now we ascend to the uncommon.
Now we awaken our extraordinary
capacity of love for each other.
The Seventh Major Understanding reminds us that All That Is exists in a state of perfection as it is; yet we hold an innate desire to change. Our desire for change brings us to a point in time when we are manifesting a global reality of peace, love, abundance, and understanding.
This new reality is not required. Rather, it is the desired reality and a challenge to our collective creativity. In the timeline of our known history, we have not experienced a global reality based on love and trust. Our current global reality is based on fear. The mass consciousness is shifting in order for a love-based reality to emerge. The transformation is happening now.
The unfolding of our new way of living together is supported by our acceptance of diversity. Our fear of different cultures, governments, religions, ideologies, and more, seeds our mistrust of one another. Rather than embracing the benefits of diversity, it is common for people to trust the people who are like us. Then, we are cautious, or even fearful, of people who are not like us. Fear, masked in many disguises, is common in the human race. Now we ascend to the uncommon. Now we awaken to the extraordinary capacity of our love for each other.
Clearly, unconditional love held in the mass consciousness would alter our global reality. Can you picture a global society that is not afraid of diversity? How would the world change when we don’t fear differences? Do you harbor blind spots to your fear of diversity? If you look out upon society and call any group, “them” – listen carefully to your thoughts. Be aware of any thoughts that “they” are wrong and “we” are right.
Water the seeds that say, “They are different, and we can live together lovingly and peacefully.”
What you dwell on expands.
When you change, the world changes.
That is how it is.