Here is a story that is written in The Seventh Major Understanding that reminds us about the power of our usually unseen and unheard vibrations.
I know a woman who decided to enter a sensory deprivation tank for personal reasons. A sensory deprivation tank is absolutely dark and completely soundproof which eliminates sight and sound distractions. After spending some time getting comfortable in the tank, my friend made the following observationv-vshe could hear her smile. She was amazed and delighted to recognize that the sound, in the soundproof tank, changed when she smiled. Smiling changes our body chemistry. Changing our body physics changes our personal energy field (and beyond).
Do you want to make the world a happier place right now? Smile. I suspect you have heard that yawning is contagious; so is smiling. Even if you are home alone, smiling will brighten your mood and your environment. When you are out in public or at your place of employment, smile at people. Many people will feel the influence of your vibrations and chose to harmonize with you. Choice is how we align our energy with others – not by force. Smiling touches hearts. Smiling relieves stress. Smiling makes a difference. That is how powerful you are.
You are a powerful creator, and you create your own reality. No matter how much we may wish we could create results or outcomes for others, it cannot be done. Nonetheless, our unseen and unheard vibrations created by our thoughts and feelings beam into the environment and influence people and objects around us. Yes, our thoughts and feelings are sensed by others and imprinted on the objects in our environment. You are powerful.
The more you smile, the better you feel. Biochemically, even a fake or slight smile begins a change in the hormones and chemistry affecting the brain. A smile truly is something you can apply the “fake-it-til-you-make-it” process. Please try it. You may be happy with the results. If you pay attention, you will experience the change in your personal energy field the moment you smile. Then, this bright light-energy spreads out in every direction. If you want to multiple the power of the biochemical change within, laugh.
Let’s make this world a happier place right now. Smiling is easy. Our ability to influence people is an act of cooperation and our influence may be accepted or rejected by others. The influence of our body language, the tone of our words, and our unseen and unheard vibrations is passive and functions perfectly without abuse of personal power. We release expectations that others will suddenly smile or feel better, yet we know that our power to influence the environment is guaranteed. We recognize that we, too, feel the vibrations of our environment. To the best of our ability, we keep good company.
Beloved teachers, healers, and leaders of change, may you smile often and laugh like joyful children. Smiling is a gift you give to yourself and others. This is one easy step to let love show. You are a powerful creator, and I love you.