Do you know that you are a powerful creator? Are you aware that when you change, the whole world changes with you? As you change, the world changes. That is how powerful you are.
The desire to create is a powerful urge, and each of us feels compelled to express it. When we are content with ourselves and our global circumstances, there is no need for transformation. However, it is rare that one is absolutely happy with what is. On the grand scale, we recognize that all is perfect as it is, and we are utterly satisfied with the perfect imperfection of it all. Then, on a personal level, we usually find things we want to improve in our life or our global situation. That is completely natural because we enjoy creating. We seek something to change, invent, or initiate.
Many people are unconscious of their moment-by-moment thoughts, so they are not aware of the reality they are creating. That is common, and it is nothing about which we need to feel shame or embarrassment. Everyone sleeps. Some have awakened from slumber, however; it lacks authenticity to claim to be fully awake one hundred percent of the time. We are human beings—being human, and that, too, is perfect.
When we want to change our lives or the world, the power to create is only present here and now. Global change begins with me (I AM here now). That is good news! I have the power to change my thought and feeling habits. As I change, everything changes. The nature of habit is that it occurs subconsciously. We need to be conscious to change a pattern of thinking and feeling until the desired (changed) behavior becomes the habit.
If it is a challenge for me to be present with the content of my thoughts, I can observe the results of my thinking by noticing my feelings and the circumstances of my reality. My emotions and my life circumstances are the results of my beliefs, and my thoughts constantly reinforce my beliefs.
Accepting that I am a creator, and I seek something to change, I start by directing my focus on the content of my mind, my moment-by-moment thoughts and feelings. I don’t judge any thoughts or emotions as good or bad. The goal is to observe my thoughts in the present. Being observant allows me to identify thought patterns (habits) I may want to change. I may discover beliefs that no longer serve my wellbeing. I then choose to create different beliefs that serve me better now.
Awakened teachers, healers, and leaders of change are shifting our global circumstances. Each of us owns our role in changing the world. We are a collective community of change agents. None of us are on this journey alone—we are one. Most of us have grasped that the key to global change is present in me, here and now. As I change—we change. Through our influence, we create a new reality of peace, compassion, joy, understanding, and an abundance of everything for everyone. Not because the world is wrong as it is: This new reality is worthy of our creativity. In our known history, we have not experienced global peace. World awakening calls to us now.
I teach that oneness is the way into our awakened reality. I have studied oneness philosophy for forty years–it is my calling. I listen deeply to your message, too. I know there are many paths forward. And, all the paths lead us home. JOY!
Our new way of living together cannot manifest without you. Collectively we set an intention to become more aware of our thought habits. We intentionally participate in our global transformation. I offer the following affirmations from my heart to yours. These beliefs support personal contentment and our new society.
To the best of my ability, I dwell on thoughts of this nature:
- I sincerely trust in the innate goodness of all people.
- I accept responsibility for the global condition now. I know that I can change it.
- I believe that peace on Earth is coming to us now. I am at peace within. I make peace with others. I am at peace with all people. I am a peacemaker.
- I believe that resources are abundant and that we can make these resources available to all people. There is plenty of everything for everyone.
- I know that the Earth is robust and is manifesting a healthy environment now. I adopt the role of planetary stewardship. I know that what I do makes a difference.
- I honor and accept the rich diversity of ideas, creeds, and cultures. I make room for differing opinions by knowing that diversity enhances creativity and presents no threat to me or others. I listen to the ideas of others and accept that whatever another person believes shapes his or her reality.
- I connect to Oneness with All That Is in every moment. I feel good about myself, and I’m happy with all the components of my personal, local, and global reality. I know that I have the power and the freedom to change reality now.
These affirmations are suggestions regarding the types of thoughts, feelings, and intentions that will usher in personal and global awakening. I invite you to expand this list and to share your affirmations, beliefs, and vision with everyone.
You are a powerful creator. Your beliefs change the world. What are the intentions you hold today? I am listening.
(To explore this topic further, read Chapter 3 and Chapter 6 of The Seventh Major Understanding—A Message of Awakening.)